Frequently Asked Questions



How do I get a Publisher to Buy my Manuscript?


How long is the Publishing Contract Agreement with DragonEye Publishing?


How does DragonEye Publishing set up my book for sale through Wholesalers, and their distributors, as well as with bookstores / booksellers worldwide?


Who owns my printed book after it is published?


Why do we charge our authors to publish their book(s)?


What other services do you offer?


What will it cost me for you to publish my book, and why?


How long does it take until my book is published?


Why don't publishers pay authors to publish their book(s)?


What does the ISBN number mean?


Why does my book need to have an ISBN / EAN Bar Code / And a Retail Price Bar Code?


Is the Library of Congress Catalog Number - (LCCN), the same as the Copyright Certificate?


What is the Copyright Certificate?


Is There a Cost for Copyrighting?


Is there a guarantee that my book will sell so many copies?


What is my responsibility as an author?


Who will be the sellers of my book, when published through DragonEye Publishing?






1 Q. How do I get a Publisher to Buy my Manuscript?


A: No publishing house - large or small - buy any manuscripts, because the manuscript belongs to the author who owns the copyright.


What the large Publishers do is they pay Advanced Royalties...



As the Publishers pays only 5% - 12% of the Retail Price for the Royalty to the Author.


As the Author does not receive quarterly Royalty payment, until the publisher makes that Advanced Royalty payment back from sales to customers...


Not sales to Wholesalers or to Bookstores.


As these sales to wholesalers and to Bookstore, those copies are for their inventory to be sold to customers.


As these book that Wholesalers and Bookstores order can be Returned back to the Publisher.. Then therefore that is not a sale.



2 Q: How long is the Publishing Contract Agreement with DragonEye Publishing?


A: Our publishing contract is for 5 years, and thereafter, can be renewed for another period of time.



3 Q: How does DragonEye Publishing set up my book for sale through Wholesalers and their distributors, as well as with bookstores / booksellers worldwide?


A: Our books are listed in Books In Print in the United States, and are 100% returnable back to the Publisher. In the UK / Europe, they are listed in the Nielson Book Database, the books are also returnable back to the Wholesaler / Distributor, and are destroyed. Books are usually set at 55% off the retail price. They are also 100% returnable to the publishers / wholesalers / distributors as well.



4 Q: Who owns my printed book after it is published?


A: An author specifically owns the copyright. However, a book that is exclusively published through Publishers / Non-Exclusive Publishers / Independent Publishers (including printers who act as publishers), the author cannot have that book published to any other type of publisher, nor does an author hold the resell rights. Publishers own the printed book, since they are publishing it. The Publisher owns the ISBN in both book and e-book forms, and all the selling / distribution rights of a book even if it is published by any other publisher.


**There is an option. An author may act as their own publisher by establishing a publishing company, and buying ISBN(s). In this way, an author will own the copyright and the printed book forms.



5 Q: Why do we charge our authors to publish their book(s)?


A: We charge authors for only our services for setting up the book(s). Thereafter, we pay royalties based upon the sales of the book.


In addition, authors pay for their book to be published through a publisher or through Publishing houses - no matter who the publisher is. They all charge their authors fees, and that fee is based on what that publisher charges. Each publisher fee is different. Publishers generally pay the author 8% and keeps 92% of sales.



6 Q: What other services do you offer?


A: We offer several other services based upon what you choose. We offer the following at an additional charge:


1) Editing

2) Designing

3) Cover creation



7 Q: What will it cost me for you to publish my book, and why?


A: DragonEye Publishing pays for the cost of publishing a book. Each book is different, and we must have the final manuscript in order to determine the basic cost. Additional charges for special services are dependent upon each author's needs for their books. An author with us does not need to use our other additional service, and they are free to choose their own. Most all have fees, so you might want to compare other's services. Then, submit your book for possible consideration for publishing by DragonEye Publishing. Our Editors will look over your book, and it is their decision whether or not we will publish an author's book.


It is our Editors' decision to publish your book, and it will be based on several factors, among which are errors, duplication, spelling, as well as other factors.



8 Q: How long does it take until my book is published?


A: From beginning to end is approximately 5-7 months, and up to 8 months. Editing, whether through DragonEye Publishing, or freelance, can take from 1 month to 3 months depending upon the author. Our editors work directly with our authors to make our author's books the best they can.


Promotions are used during this time, and the author begins to create excitement for their book before its release by way of social media, magazine, newspapers, and book blogger interviews as well as through radio and even television. This gives the book time to be promoted and to receive book pre-orders, before the book is released.



9 Q: Why don't publishers pay authors to publish their book(s)?


A: Publishers who pay their authors up front for their books is known as "Advance Royalty Payments", and these are issued based upon a publisher's estimate of how many copies of a book will sell within 1 or 2 years. However, in general, no publisher gives Advance Royalties to new authors.** For those who do, advance royalty payments must be recouped, before regular royalty payments will be paid every 90 days to the author. In general, this means that at least 1000 books must be sold, before the author will see any further royalty payments for any future book sales.


At DragonEye Publishing, we pay our authors a Book Royalty, depending upon sales, approximately every 90 days, regardless of the amount. Many others pay only when a payout of $100.00 is reached, or more, within that 90 days.


**Note: Large publishing houses pay the author 8%, and use 92% of the balance of sales to pay for their services, such as:


1) Editing

2) Book designing

3) Cover creation

4) Book printing

5) Advertising

6) Marketing

7) Promoting

8) Stocking in warehouse

9) Shipping

10) Returned books

11) Wholesalers / distributor fees

12) Fulfillments as they ship orders to their customers from their websites

13) Literary Agent fees

14) And more


At DragonEye Publishing, we give our authors 30% Royalty fee payment based on a book's net selling price, because they are not at retail pricing. When we sell a book through our site, we list our authors' books between 10% - 30% off the cover price. From this, we pay our authors 30% of the selling cost minus the printing fee.


Bookstores / Wholesalers / Distribution Centers buy our authors' books at 55% off the cover price, and after the printing fee is deducted – you receive the 30%. Author royalty payments are based book the set percentages, above minus the printing fees. From there, the author is paid 90 -120 days after the book is sold through our wholesalers.


Again, we pay author Royalties based on every quarter (90 days), regardless of the amount.**



**(This is subject to change at any time)



10 Q: What does the ISBN number mean?


ISBN's belong specifically to the Publisher just as the copyright belongs specifically to the author.


And ISBN is a set of 10 - 13 digit numbers that tells the worldwide book industry of books that are in print (BIP) the following:


1) Publisher on file

2) Book title

3) Author

4) Size of the book

5) Number of pages of the book

6) Language of the book

7) Book format - Paperback / Hardback / E-Book - Each format has a separate number

8) Price of the book per marketing region in each country where the book is sold

9) Listing of wholesalers / distributors worldwide

10) ISBN tracks all sales worldwide

11) Release date and when the book can be sold / shipped to the customers

12) If a book becomes listed as - Books Out of Print - (BOP)



11 Q: Why does my book need to have an ISBN / EAN Bar Code / And a Retail Price Bar Code?


The ISBN is the Publisher's identification which is registered to the publisher who bought ISBN numbers. This is used by book sellers / wholesalers when a book is sold, to whom the money is to be paid, as well as the reimbursement if a book does not sell. It also designates where to send payments or returns.


The bar code is also created from that same ISBN # -- and a price bar code is also required for books being sold by wholesalers / distributors / bookstores / booksellers -which a Price bar code is an addition to the ISBN.


The bar code is created from the ISBN number, and is required to be on all books for sale by wholesalers / distributors / bookstores / booksellers

Both the ISBN number and Barcode will be on all books. For on the shelf books, these must be included on the back cover.



12 Q: Is the Library of Congress Catalog Number - (LCCN), the same as the Copyright Certificate?


No. The Library of Congress Catalog Number (LCCN) is set up by the Publisher with the Library of Congress. When a book is released, libraries who may be interested in buying the book at a later time, will be able to place the book on their shelf. This includes all libraries - Public / Private / Schools / Colleges. It must be set up months before the release. Otherwise, it will never be available for any library.



13 Q: What is the Copyright Certificate?


The Copyright Certificate must be applied for by the author either online, or through the mail. If the Publisher does this for an author, they will add those fees to the cost. Some have charged up to twice the amount of the actual fees through the government website, http://www.copyright.gov/ These publisher's fees can range from $175 to thousands depending on the copyright form. An author is the owner of the copyright.




14 Q: Is There a Cost for Copyrighting?


Yes. There are 2 types of Copyright Forms, and the fees range between $35 to $80 depending on the type of copyright:


1) Unpublished Form (manuscript Only) - Was not published by a publisher - Fees are required

2) Published Form - Published by a Publisher and assigned an ISBN - Fees are required


Even if you use method number 1, after the book is published you will still have to complete the Published Form Copyright as well.


Once filed, the author receives the copyright in the mail from the Copyright Office. If it does not come within a year, the author need only to call and ask. If it is sent to a publisher, they have no right to keep your certificate, and they should immediately mail it to you.


Note: The publisher is never the owner of your copyright / or your materials.



15 Q: Is there a guarantee that my book will sell so many copies?


There is no guarantee. No Literary Agent, Publisher, Bookstore clerk, or wholesaler will guarantee that your book will sell a certain number of copies. With over 3 million Titles published yearly, and over 130 million Titles worldwide that is published to date, this would be impossible to guarantee.



16 Q: What is my responsibility as an author?


The author owns their book Promotions. It is their responsibility to get their books out to the public. Each author is competing with not only bestselling authors, but millions of new authors as well. It can take time, so be prepared to promote your book everywhere. Make liberal use of Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter. Others are book signings when it is released, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, bloggers, and more. There is a huge selection that is available to authors today that didn't exist a few years ago.



17 Q: Who will be the sellers of my book, when published through DragonEye Publishing?


Publishers are not in charge of Bookstores / Booksellers, or any Major Chain Bookstore Corporate Office (such as B&N). It is their decision about which book they want to sell. While they may be interested in book 1 of a series, they may not take an interest in your other book(s) regardless of genre.


Our books are setup worldwide with several wholesalers / distributors, which make our titles available from 500 - 36,000 bookstores and booksellers, major bookstore chains and their corporate offices, as well as online booksellers in 200 countries around the world.

